XIII LIBS 2024 International Meeting & II Latin American Meeting on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

2-6 Sep 2024 Iguazú (Argentina)




Argentina, September 2024

We are pleased to announce that Argentina has been selected as the venue for the XIII World Conference on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, to be held in the beautiful city of Iguazú.

We are extremely grateful to the international LIBS community for this decision and would like to express our sincere gratitude for the confidence placed in us. We look forward to welcoming scientists, researchers and experts from all over the world to this prestigious event.

We are confident that this conference will provide an ideal platform for the exchange of ideas, knowledge and expertise in the field of Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy, and will foster collaboration and networking among researchers and scientists. We hope that this conference will help to push the boundaries of scientific research and bring new innovations to the forefront of the field.

We are committed to making this conference a memorable and successful event and are working hard to ensure that everything is in place to provide an exceptional experience for all attendees. We are confident that the city of Iguazú, with its stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage, will provide the perfect setting for this conference.

Once again, we would like to thank the international LIBS community for choosing Argentina as the venue for this important event. We look forward to welcoming you all to Iguazú in 2024.

Main topics on LIBS 2024

    • Theoretical models of Laser Induced Plasma and consequent applications for LIBS

    • Novel LIBS instrumentation and technologies

    • Novel approaches to LIBS analytical methodologies

    • Data Analysis

    • Hyphenation of LIBS with other analytical techniques

    • Validation, verification, standarization and QMS for LIBS
    • LIBS applications in several fields of science and technologies: (industrial, environmental, cultural heritage, security, geological, space, forensic and nuclear)

    • LIBS & A.I.
    • Molecular LIBS







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